In an unexpected twist (pardon the pun), Twisties is revolutionizing the snack aisle with its upcoming release of Spicy Ramen flavour – its spiciest Twistie ever.

The limited edition Twisties Spicy Ramen promises to challenge and satisfy chip lovers, ramen fans, and heat enthusiasts alike, combining the fiery trend of spicy ramen with the beloved Twistie crunch.

True to its name, Twisties Spicy Ramen packs a punch with a complex blend of red chilli, ginger, and black pepper, delivering a mouthwatering heat that spice lovers crave. The flavour is rich, smooth, and balanced with the essential umami twist, all on the iconic Twistie base.

For those eagerly anticipating the launch, Twisties Spicy Ramen will debut exclusively at 7-Eleven stores on Tuesday, 2nd April, before hitting shelves at various retailers nationwide starting 2nd May.

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