Jimmy Barnes, the renowned Australian rocker, is on a challenging path to recovery following an unexpected open-heart surgery. The 67-year-old singer, who recently canceled his remaining year-end performances due to a battle with bacterial pneumonia, faced a sudden turn of events when the infection reached his heart, necessitating emergency surgery.

In a surprising announcement on December 1, Barnes shared the news, stating, “Despite everyone’s best efforts, the bacterial infection I’ve been battling over the past fortnight has apparently now spread to my heart. It’s infected an otherwise healthy valve that was replaced some years ago due to a congenital defect, so I’ll be getting open heart surgery over the next few hours to clear out this infection and put in a clean valve.”

Expressing regret for the inconvenience caused by the cancellations, Barnes urged patience as his team worked to rearrange plans, promising a new announcement soon.

Barnes’s eldest daughter, Mahalia Barnes, provided an update on her father’s condition, revealing that he has a “long road ahead.” Despite the challenges, she expressed gratitude for the overwhelming support from Australia, describing her father as “doing really well” after the surgery on Thursday.

Jane Barnes, Jimmy’s wife of 42 years, shared a post-surgery update, reporting positive progress in the ICU. She expressed appreciation for the outpouring of well wishes and emphasized the family’s gratitude for the love and support received.

The latest update from Jane follows a prior announcement on Wednesday, confirming that Barnes had successfully navigated the surgery. As the rocker embarks on his recovery journey, the family remains touched by the immense support from fans and well-wishers.